Success Essential- The Morning Routine You Need!

Success Essential- The Morning Routine You Need!


Bonjour, mademoiselle! Rolled off the bed this morning and bumped your head? Moved on to a warm shower, and the geyser gave you a shock? Well, it's crazy what a bad start can do to your day can do - and equally crazy, how impactful a planned morning can be not just on your day, but pretty much your entire life.

Women Crying

 Here are some to-do's that will give you the perfect morning every day!

 1) Miss the wreck, say no to tech

Do not go straight to Instagram or Facebook and cry over the perfect life; everyone else is leading online. Nothing could be unhealthier than a negative feeling towards one's life at the very break of dawn! Give yourself a good 30 minutes before you unplug your phone.

Throwing Phone Away

 2) All age beverage

Food scientists have talked widely and across platforms about the benefits of starting your day with loads of water. If water on an empty stomach makes you nauseous, try green tea or green coffee. Antioxidants, flavonoids, polyphenols - big words, a bigger boost.

Here's a link to an article by a nutritionist elaborating on the topic. And if you want to make a drink that suits your fancy go checkout this blog!

3) First check, ballistic stretch.

Stretch it out! Anything that kickstarts your blood flow and metabolism in the morning is a great thing to do. Work up your muscles on a yoga mat and awaken your body - one cell at a time.

If you don't know where to start, here's a video by a physiotherapist that would be of immense help -

 4) Run, hun.

Your beverage has given you enough energy for a quick dose of exercise, grab your track pants, and put on the Zumba music! Exercising releases endorphins, also known as "feel-good hormones" that make your body gush up with positivity.

Also, we understand the importance of opaque and super stretchy leggings, and have the portal to buy your potential holy grail gym leggings - in all the sizes these could possibly be in!

5) Flush the hate, meditate.

Play good old YouTube in the background and let the sound of rain guide you to your spiritual utopia. Omit the fragrant diffuser if you have a sensitive nose, else pick lavender - for it is said to have a soothing and calming scent. 

Aroma and Candles

6) First meal's ordeal

While oats and muesli have always been go-to breakfast options, a journalized seven-day prep makes the task so much more exciting! Put on the chef hat and be mindful of adding leafy greens and fruit smoothies to your breakfast. A colourful meal = a healthy body.

Women in Chef Hat

7) Verb with a noun, write it down.

Journals are great, not just for aesthetically pleasing pictures on Instagram, but for organizing your life. A routine, when written down, is more likely to stay stuck to your head, and consequently, more likely to be followed.

A sketch or two at the corners, and now it's photogenic too!

This free app from the play store will be your best friend –

8)   Good vibes only.

You blend into the things that you surround yourself with - hence the phrase 'morning motivation' isn't as overrated as you might think. Listening to positivity in the morning will channel your mind into staying in the good vibes lane throughout the day.

Good Vibes

9)   Rise and spin, feed your skin.

Skincare is as important in the morning as it is as night, so research into your skin and use whatever suits you best. It is the most significant investment you will ever make! While there could be a tonne of things that make your skin better, sheet masks work across skin types and also work wonders.

10) Read, repeat.

You don't need to eke out extra time for this, read anything you can while commuting to work. You've got your body ready, and now your mind needs to be fueled too. Fiction, non-fiction, poetry - even a newspaper does the job pretty well.

Women Reading

Oh, also, run, you're probably already late.


By- Akanksha Mehta

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