"It is never too late to be what you might have been"

A professional wrestler, Three times National medal holder, Six-time state champion title winner, Two times Bharat Kesari title winner,  Rounak Gulia is living proof of this fact. She has been practicing a healthy and active style of living for the past few years. Being a responsible citizen, she took the responsibility to educate and inform others about proper nutrition through her website dailydosenutrition. Wrestling is believed to be a game of strength, mind, and grip. So, let's read more about this and understand how motivation works to shape an active and successful life.

We were in warm conversation with her, let us see how her journey has inspired us:

  • What was your motivation to become a wrestler?

My Mother has always been my motivation. She has supported me, motivated me, and inspired me all my life and I am very grateful to her. She always wanted me to get into wrestling but I wanted to study in the early years of my life. So, I started after marriage and my family was always there to support and motivate me throughout the journey.

  •  What challenges did you face in the initial years and what kept you going on?

I started wrestling quite late in my life. I was already married when I started and, in the beginning, it was difficult to adapt to the changes. My family always supported me since the beginning but I received criticism from outsiders as I was married and I would have to wear small clothes for training. Since I started late it was a little difficult for me during practices and finding the right coach.

  • Enlighten us about some highlights of your wrestling career so far?

It’s been 4 years since I started wrestling. I have won 3 National medals, 2 bronze, and 1 silver and got 6 times state champion title and 2 times Bharat Kesari title.

  • You have your own website dailydosenutrition. What inspired you to start this??

It was started by my husband and I handle it now. I always felt that athletes don’t get proper nutrition, as I was able to get so I wanted other athletes should also be provided with good nutrition. Through my fan following, I created more awareness about it and help athletes to get the right nutrition.

  • Being a wrestler requires intense training and workout sessions. What gets you started in the morning?

I set my target the night before and set the alarm. I think of something that angers me and motivates me. I always try to improve myself, If I achieved 90 yesterday then my goal is to achieve 100 the next day.

  • One-morning routine that is a must for you?

Ever since I started wrestling, the first thing  I do in the morning is taking a bath and then I take the mat on which I do my work out to the mandir and do puja for some time. It is a must thing that I do every morning. Other than that I drink warm water sometimes.

  • Now that we are all quarantined again, what is your home workout routine? Do you miss going to the Gym?

 My home workout routine timing has changed from 4:30 to 5:30 but the routine is the same.  I have more time to work out now because I am at home all time and I can sleep for some time more. When I used to go for training I had only 2-3 hours for it but now at home, I can finish my workout more promptly as I have more time. Besides, I have to dress up properly before the workout as I feel good and it gives me more motivation.

  • What is your best career moment so far?

So far, my best career moment is that I defeated the opponent at the nationals with 10-0 to whom I lost in the state championship. It was a big moment for me.

  • What advice would you like to give who wants to become a wrestler?

Wrestling makes you strong emotionally and physically. You feel strong to face every situation in life. My advice is that everyone should do wrestling and become fit, strong, and doesn’t fear anyone.

  • What do you feel about the brand Skyria and how do you like the products?

I like all the Skyria clothes. I like activewear which supports fitness training properly and Skyria does it really well. Its quality is very good and the fabric is super soft. I go through intense training and for me, it is doing well.  The design and look of the clothes are very nice and stylish. It is very comfortable and any form of workout can easily be performed in them.